OESC Thrift Store & Uncle Sam's Attic
Who Can Shop and Donate?
Any person with access to Kadena Air Force Base.
When Can You Donate?
Donations are accepted inside the building during store hours. Please check the store's Facebook page linked below for up-to-date donation acceptance and policies.
*We DO NOT accept donations that are left outside.*
What Can You Donate?
Clothing, military uniforms, furniture, housewares, toys, electronics, decor, movies, books, and so much more! For more details on items that are accepted please refer to the store's Facebook page.
Thrift Store Bucks
The Thrift Store Bucks program offers a $30 per month credit for use at the Thrift Store to any active duty individual/family ranked E-4 or below. This credit can be used on ANYTHING in the store.
Signing up is EASY! Come into the store to fill out a Thrift Store Bucks application and present a current LES. Submit these documents to the Thrift Store management and you will be issued six months of Thrift Store Bucks. Simply bring in a current LES every six months to renew.
Uncle Sam's Attic
The Thrift Store offers FREE military uniforms to active duty personnel E6 and below, as well as JROTC members of any branch and rank! You can receive up to 5 items (uniforms, rank, PT gear, shoes, bags, etc.) each month!
How Can You Help?
Donate your gently used items or volunteer! To volunteer at the Thrift Store, fill out a quick application and help us sort donations, hang clothing, clean the store, etc. any day we are open! *Volunteers under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Located on Kadena AB, Bldg. 859

Sun/Mon - Closed
Tuesday - 9:00- 2:00
Wednesday - 9:00 - 2:00
Thursday - 1:00 - 6:00
Friday - 9:00 - 2:00
2nd, 4th, & 5th Saturday - 9:00 - 2:00